万亿级市场东风再起 循环经济引领产业绿色革命

The trillion-dollar market is booming again, and the circular economy is leading the green revolution of the industry 2024年8月11日,中共中央、国务院印发的《关于加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型的意见》(以下简称《意见》)正式对外公布,这是中央层面首次对加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型进行系统部署。《意见》提出,“大力发展循环经济”“大力发展资源循环利用产业”“健全废弃物循环利用体系”。 On August 11, 2024, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the “Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”), which was officially announced […]

[Terra Phoenix and G-COVE Fupeng Green Technology] Work together to create a green circular economy industrial chain 上图: 穆罕默德·阿马尔·阿卜杜尔·瓦哈卜先生 (中间), 尤金·蔡先生 (左3), 陈庆祥教授 (右2)Image above: Mr. Muhammad Amal Adbul Wahab (middle), Mr. Eugene Chua (3rd from left), Prof. Dr. Tan Ching Seong (2nd from right) 浙江爱风环环境信息技术有限公司与 G-Cove KLIM 环境技术有限公司签署历史性谅解备忘录,标志着废物管理进入新时代 Historic MOU Signing Between ZheJiang AiFengHuan […]

Economic and Social Development: Comprehensive Green Transformation 这是中央层面首次对加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型进行系统部署 This is the first time that the central government has made systematic arrangements to accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. 加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型顶层设计文件发布 深入推进绿色低碳发展 The top-level design document for accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development has been released to further promote […]

Dr. Tan is committed to developing the future of the environmental sanitation industry from Shaoxing Shangyu, to the rest of the World. Source: WeChat Channels 微信视频 百观新闻 Alternative source: (2024-07-01) 绍兴文明网,上虞日报 http://zjsx.wenming.cn/wmbb/202407/t20240701_8583653.htmlhttps://www.cnepaper.com/shangyu/html/2024-07/01/content_138062_17571891.htm
iCONNECT – Quantum Leap in Communication Through Hybrid Li-Fi

Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is the new and evolving form of wireless communication, enabling data transmission through the use of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps. With speeds surpassing the classic Wi-Fi (with radio waves) that everyone uses, the possibilities are endless with the replacement of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light waves to enable the future technology […]
Our ESG Development under two-carbon objectives and its influence on enterprises as well as Legal Practice Forum.

Dr. Tan will hold a public lecture on visible light communication and green office at the University of Nottingham Ningbo (UNNC).

Love Communication&Green Office Join Us! On April 28th of this year, Dr. Tan, the chairman and co founder of our Terra Phoenix group company, part-time at Hangzhou Electronic Purple University, Zhejiang Talent at Taylor University Fulbright in 2012/2013, and the recipient of the Shaoxing 330 Talent Award, will hold a public lecture on visible light […]
Dr.Tan invited to have a speech on POMDP topics in Taylor University Malaysia

January 18, 2023, Dr.Tan was invited to have a speech on POMDP topics in Taylor ‘s University Malaysia. The speech was followed by a meeting with professors from Taylor’s U and an introduction related to the development of TERRA PHOENIX company.
Garbage Classification Big Data Cockpit

Garbage mixed together is garbage, and separation is a resource. The classification and delivery of pulling garbage, the implementation and extension of accurate delivery, can effectively reduce the pressure of environmental pollution. (Internet + garbage recycling) can achieve intelligent garbage classification, promote the progress of garbage classification, improve the enthusiasm of residents to participate in […]
iCYCLE China Revamp 2021
According to the “Opinions on Promoting the Treatment of Domestic Waste at a High Level” (Zhejiang Committee Office (2019) No. 59), the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation Index and Scoring Criteria for the Classification of Domestic Waste in Zhejiang Province in 2021” (Zhejiang Classification [2021] No. 6) and other requirements, in accordance with […]