
Dr. Tan is committed to developing the future of the environmental sanitation industry from Shaoxing Shangyu, to the rest of the World. Source: WeChat Channels 微信视频 百观新闻 Alternative source: (2024-07-01) 绍兴文明网,上虞日报 http://zjsx.wenming.cn/wmbb/202407/t20240701_8583653.htmlhttps://www.cnepaper.com/shangyu/html/2024-07/01/content_138062_17571891.htm

iCONNECT – Quantum Leap in Communication Through Hybrid Li-Fi

Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is the new and evolving form of wireless communication, enabling data transmission through the use of  Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps. With speeds surpassing the classic Wi-Fi (with radio waves) that everyone uses, the possibilities are endless with the replacement of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light waves to enable the future technology […]

Garbage Classification Big Data Cockpit

Garbage mixed together is garbage, and separation is a resource. The classification and delivery of pulling garbage, the implementation and extension of accurate delivery, can effectively reduce the pressure of environmental pollution. (Internet + garbage recycling) can achieve intelligent garbage classification, promote the progress of garbage classification, improve the enthusiasm of residents to participate in […]

iCYCLE China Revamp 2021

According to the “Opinions on Promoting the Treatment of Domestic Waste at a High Level” (Zhejiang Committee Office (2019) No. 59), the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation Index and Scoring Criteria for the Classification of Domestic Waste in Zhejiang Province in 2021” (Zhejiang Classification [2021] No. 6) and other requirements, in accordance with […]

Shangyu’s first waste separation robot debuted, and waste separation played as “high-tech”.

https://icycle-global.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/iCYCLE-Robot.mp4 “What’s your name?” “Hello everyone, my name is Xiaohuan.” “What kinds of waste are there?” “Waste is mainly divided into recyclables, hazardous waste, perishable waste, and other waste…” On November 4, two new “guests” were welcomed in the Jinguiyuan community of Cao’e street, the waste separation robot supervisor “Xiaohuan” no. 1 and no. 2, […]

Third prize award of “I am in Zhejiang”. Congratulations Ai Fenghuan!!

Warm congratulations to Ai Fenghuang’s work “my peace of mind” won the third prize of “I am in Zhejiang – 100 foreign friends see Zhejiang” special dedication in the centenary of the founding of the party. Foreigners in Zhejiang are not only the builders of “Beautiful Zhejiang”, but also its overseas messengers. This year marks […]

World First Site Waste Management Supervisor Robot

https://www.terra-phoenix.com/images/iCYCLE-Robot.mp4 iCYCLE China launched the world first site supervisor robot to enforce waste separation in China. It is a patented technology only available to iCYCLE.