[Terra Phoenix] Company Catalogue 2025: Double Sublimation of Visuals and Contents

In the long river of time, we have always been forging ahead. Now, [Terra Phoenix] reflects its new look of development and engraves a new chapter of growth with a brand-new company catalogue. The design novelty – From the cover to the back cover, simple lines outline strength and harmonious colors lay out hope. Every […]


Dr. Tan is committed to developing the future of the environmental sanitation industry from Shaoxing Shangyu, to the rest of the World. Source: WeChat Channels 微信视频 百观新闻 Alternative source: (2024-07-01) 绍兴文明网,上虞日报 http://zjsx.wenming.cn/wmbb/202407/t20240701_8583653.htmlhttps://www.cnepaper.com/shangyu/html/2024-07/01/content_138062_17571891.htm

2nd China-Malaysia Science & Technology Innovation Summit – Fostering Collaborative Innovation, Building the Future Together.

The 2nd China-Malaysia Science & Technology Innovation Summit was successfully held in Kuala Lumpur on 7 March 2024. This forum brought many industry leaders and innovative entrepreneurs together to discuss the future direction of the technology industry and reviewed the successful experiences of China and Malaysia in cultivating international technology industries. During the Science and […]

爱凤环 l 这份外卖垃圾分类攻略收好

垃圾勤分类 循环不浪费 外卖垃圾分类指南 想喝奶茶不想出门 点个外卖吧! 不想做饭 点个外卖吧! 下大雨了不想淋湿 点个外卖吧! 无聊什么都不想做 []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* 嗯~ 还是点个外卖吧!

爱凤环 l 三月份东关街道垃圾分类宣传活动回顾

为进一步深化生活垃圾分类理念,倡导绿色、低碳、环保的生活方式,在3月份东关街道携手爱凤环环保科技有限公司举办开展了多场垃圾分类宣传活动。 通过宣传活动,助力垃圾分类习惯养成,争做垃圾分类的宣传者和践行者。接下来,爱凤环环保科技有限公司将继续推进垃圾分类工作的常态化宣传,引导全民参与共建,实现垃圾分类源头减量,促进垃圾分类理念遍地开花,为垃圾分类工作贡献力量。

Recycling Point (RP) End-Year Redemption

Good day iCYCLERS! We are now reaching the end of the year and we would like to announce that your recycling points (RP) accumulated from the year of 2018 – 2019 will soon be due to expire on 31 December 2021 .  We would like, therefore to encourage you to redeem it now!We have a […]